Our new Subscription Reports show you exactly what’s happening with your recurring billing transactions. Just go to MY COMPANY :: Subscriptions and then select “Transactions.” Here you’ll see all your rebilling transactions, which you can sort by status and even error code.
This lets you look up all your Failed transactions and see why they failed. […]
Rebilling Transaction Management
NewsOur new Subscription Reports show you exactly what’s happening with your recurring billing transactions. Just go to MY COMPANY :: Subscriptions and then select “Transactions.” Here you’ll see all your rebilling transactions, which you can sort by status and even error code.
This lets you look up all your Failed transactions and see why they failed. For example, if you want to find all the subscriptions payments that failed due to expired credit cards, you can easily do this. Then you can update the info with the new expiration date. You can even manually re-try the transaction right there on the same screen.
As always, we strive to make you more money and this feature alone will easily generate hundreds (if not thousands) of extra dollars each month for you!